Greater Shepparton Secondary College receives $119 million to complete project

Published May 20, 2020 by Deanne Armstrong


The Victorian government has announced funding of $119 million to complete the Greater Shepparton Secondary College project. Students will be in the new facility from the start of the 2022 school year. This is a great achievement for our region, and offers a state of the art facility for our young people..

The Greater Shepparton Secondary College has not been without opposition and controversy, but it has all been worth it as it means Shepparton will have one of the best equipped public secondary schools in the state. We are confident the school can work very well for the region. Although there will be a high population of students at the school, the density of students will be about the same as Notre Dame Knight St campus. The house system will ensure that each student will be in a unit of 300 with consistency and care of teachers, leaders and peers. The size of the school dramatically increases the number of electives and senior subjects that can be offered. Already our members have shown a willingness to become involved with the school using their expertise in areas relating to local industry. Our aim is that this fosters an understanding of opportunities regionally and leads to enhanced career pathways. Of course, a focus on improved academic achievement will enable more students to access tertiary education here and in metropolitan areas, if that is what they choose.

I would like to acknowledge the work of Member for Shepparton Suzanna Sheed who has been steadfast in the aspiration to improve educational outcomes in the region since calling for the Shepparton Education Plan in 2017. I would also like to thank the members for their support of the Committee advocating for this opportunity.

A reminder of what we will have in two years can be viewed here:

Sam Birrell 

CEO Committee for Greater Shepparton

Deanne Armstrong

Deanne Armstrong


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