Industry Event
Wednesday 19th May 2021
On Wednesday 19 May we hosted over 100 businesses throughout the Goulburn Valley at the GROW Greater Shepparton Industry Event.
Below are some of the presentations provided at this event.
ADCO Constructions
Andrew Flynn, Contracts Administrator from ADCO Constructions presented an overview of local opportunities coming up for the $30M Puckapunyal Health & Wellbeing Centre.
Greater Shepparton City Council
Matthew Jarvis, Finance Manager for Greater Shepparton City Council presented an overview of local opportunities coming up in the $71m Capital Works Budget.
Regional Rail Revival Shepparton
Chris Harper, Alliance General Manager from Coleman Rail presented an overview of local opportunities coming up for the delivery of stage 2 of the Shepparton Line Upgrade.
GROW Greater Shepparton
Leanne Hulm, Program Manager of GROW Greater Shepparton presented an overview of a new business and jobs platform.
GROW Greater Shepparton seeks to drive change in how companies operating in the region do business, leading to improved social outcomes.
By building on local and social procurement and inclusive employment capability, GROW Greater Shepparton seeks to create:
For more information:
Leanne Hulm
Program Manager
GROW Greater Shepparton