Irrigation the key to a sustainable farming future in the Goulburn Valley

Published Nov 30, 2017 by Bec White

veg aus

Committee for Greater Shepparton publishes an article in the Vegetables Australia magazine- November/December 2017 issue.

Located in northern Victoria, the Goulburn Valley region provides many opportunities for those in the agriculture
sector who are looking to relocate or expand their business. Goulburn-Murray Water and the Committee for
Greater Shepparton explore what is currently available, and how the two bodies are working together to achieve
their irrigation goals.

Committee for Greater Shepparton Chief Executive Sam Birrell
said the Goulburn Valley and wider region is a vibrant place to
live, work and invest, with modern infrastructure on hand.

“We work to ensure our region offers the whole package to
those considering a move here. The region is a hub for dairy
and agriculture and is known for its exports of premium fresh
produce,” he said.

To read the full article please click on the below link.

Vegetables Australia NOV-DEC 2017 issue C4GS article

Bec White

Bec White


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