Shepparton Bypass

Published Sep 20, 2016 by RBTsupport


Shepparton Bypass

If you wish to stay informed about the GV Highway Shepparton Bypass please click here.

The Goulburn Valley Highway is an essential transport route, connecting the Goulburn Valley region with Melbourne. It also forms a vital link in the national highway system between Melbourne and Brisbane.

  • Parts of the Goulburn Valley Highway around Greater Shepparton can no longer effectively cater for the large and increasing traffic volumes that use the highway daily.
  • Our solution to address the highway’s limitations is to build a bypass for Shepparton that will help bring balance through the region between community and industry needs.
  • In 2016, the full 36km four-lane Shepparton Bypass was estimated to cost approximately $1.3 billion.
  • The project has therefore been split into five stages in order to obtain funding to get the project underway, including a single carriageway each way in the first instance.




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