An informed and constructive voice for our region
Through submissions, inquiries, hearings and ongoing engagement, C4GS provides an informed, constructive and trusted voice to local, state and national governments, policy makers , regulators and representative bodies.
Our contributions draw on the experiences and expertise of our local members from across all sectors and areas of the region.

10 September 2024
Developing a new plan for Victoria - Plan Victoria
Victorian Government - Department of Transport and Planning
This submission highlights three matters that are relevant to the overall design and intent of Plan Victoria –
• the different drivers for inner and outer regional areas,
• the opportunity to align multiple state and federal plans (and funding sources) and
• the underestimation of (lack of ambition for) the regions.
C4GS is of the view that allowing locally based community led planning within the framework of Plan Victoria can address these concerns – and achieve practical, sustainable outcomes for the regions and for the state as a whole.

10 July 2024
Review of Australia's Regional Migration Settings
Australian Government, Review of Regional Migration Settings Discussion Paper - June 2024
Greater Shepparton has many decades of experience in welcoming migrants - from holiday makers working in our horticultural and ag sectors to the many skilled migrants we rely on to fill key roles in sophisticated manufacturing, health, logistics and construction sectors.
Our depth of experience coupled with the insights drawn from our Community Connector Program demonstrate the critical importance of every step along the relocation journey.

10 July 2024
Murray-Darling Basin Implementation review
Australian Productivity Commission Review
By prioritising a more agile and practical approach that’s focused on ensuring water can be delivered where and when its needed, the Plan will achieve greater benefits in all years and under all climate scenarios, thereby ensuring the Plan’s legacy reflects genuine, sustained benefits for the environment and the Australian community.

9 July 2024
Victorian Freight Plan Update - submission
Victorian Government - Update of the Victorian Freight Plan
C4GS recognises the role the Victorian Freight Plan can play in delivering critical infrastructure, growing skills and workforce, supporting the state’s transition to net zero, and, importantly, delivering a freight and logistics capability that mitigates cost of living challenges for consumers across the nation and supports our competitive advantage in international markets.

28 June 2024
Draft Renewable Energy Zone Community Benefits Plan
A properly framed and strategic community benefits plan has the potential to target investment into energy projects that will unlock the full potential of the region, its communities, industry and education sectors.

23 June 2024
Planning our basin future together
Victorian Government
C4GS welcomed the Victorian Government's Prospectus but urged greater integration with the multiple non-water engagement and investment programs occurring at the same time, and we highlighted the critical need to engage with local industry who operate across multiple catchments.

15 April 2024
South East Shepparton PSP to unlock residential development in Greater Shepparton
Victorian Planning Authority
C4GS welcomes the release of more land for residential development however we are concerned the current PSP’s development costs - estimated at more than 60% above equivalent recent local developments - are at a level that is not viable in the Greater Shepparton residential market.

10 October 2023
Water Amendment (Restoring our Rivers) Bill
Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications
The final stages of the Plan must be defined by more than simply a ML target. The Restoring the Rivers bill must focus on the outcomes for the entire river system from the Culgoa River in Queensland to the Coorong in South Australia.

10 July 2023
Delivering the Murray-Darling Basin Plan
Australian Government - Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.
C4GS’s submission outlines ideas to progress the Murray Darling Basin Plan that:
• do not reduce the consumptive pool,
• optimise the outcomes for the environment by enabling delivery at the right time, to the right location and for the right period,
• leverage the maturing of water markets and community values,
• build on the advances in science, engineering and technology that have occurred over the life of the Plan.

1 January 2023
Parliamentary Inquiry into the 2022 flood events in the Greater Shepparton area
Victorian Legislative Council Environment and Planning Committee
C4GS encourages a place-based approach to the design of emergency response. An approach that taps into the demonstrated local, state and federal emergency management expertise, and provides opportunity for local communities to bring their professional and community strengths to a stronger, well defined and well-resourced local emergency response capability.

9 December 2022
Australia's Food Security
Australian Government, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Agriculture
With the right mix of Federal, State, and local government policy settings, support and investment incentives, and collaboration within and between supply chains and sectors, regions like Greater Shepparton have the potential to address critical threats to food security, and to emerge stronger and more secure thanks to locally generated energy, improved workforce mobility, digital connectivity, and freight infrastructure.