Delivering the Murray-Darling Basin Plan
10 July 2023
Australian Government - Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.

The Committee for Greater Shepparton (C4GS) welcomes the Australia Government’s current public consultation that seeks ideas to enable the delivery of the Murray Darling Basin Plan.
C4GS participated in both the public information sessions and the targeted Local Government and Community consultation session. The sessions were helpful in understanding the purpose and scope of the immediate consultation program.
C4GS is a member funded not-for-profit organisation with a membership that includes almost 120 of Greater Shepparton’s businesses, agencies and not for profit organisations. The Committee works to advance the aspirations and prosperity of our region through advocacy, knowledge sharing and networking opportunities.
C4GS’s submission outlines ideas to progress the Murray Darling Basin Plan that:
do not reduce the consumptive pool,
optimise the outcomes for the environment by enabling delivery at the right time, to the right location and for the right period,
leverage the maturing of water markets and community values,
build on the advances in science, engineering and technology that has occurred over the life of the Plan.
Consistent with this approach, our submission is broken into two sections – water recovery, and water delivery.
It is our view that by prioritising a more agile and practical approach that’s focused on water delivery, the Plan will achieve greater benefits in all years and under all climate scenarios, thereby ensuring the Plan’s legacy reflects genuine, sustained benefits for the environment and the Australian community.