Sam Birrell
30 June 2018
Victorian State Budget 2018: Major Wins for Greater Shepparton with Rail Upgrades, Education Initiatives, and Community Investment.
The Victorian State Budget has delivered significant investment for Greater Shepparton in many areas that Committee for Greater Shepparton has been advocating for over its 5- year history. The main feature of the budget from a Greater Shepparton perspective is $313mil to upgrade the Shepparton rail line. This will allow up to 9 daily services of velocity trains between Shepparton and Melbourne. The Committee highlighted the inequality in regional rail funding in a report released earlier this year and it is pleasing to see the government has heeded the call.
$20mil for the alternate route upgrade and $23mil for the Munarra Centre for Regional Excellence are also projects that the Committee has advocated for. The Committee has also been vocal on the skills shortage for regional industries and welcomes funding for the first stage of the Shepparton Education Plan as well as free TAFE courses particularly in the areas of agriculture and nursing.
Overall this is an example of what can be achieved with united community leadership and the committee will continue to advocate for projects and policies that will improve and grow Greater Shepparton.