Our GV Magazine Articles
Greater Shepparton: Connecting Communities and Building a Future of Innovation and Opportunity
The Community Connector Program has led the way with attracting, recruiting and retaining professionals through its free relocation support service.
As the Community Connector Coordinator I make contact with new professionals who are referred to me by local businesses and organisations, and assist with some of the challenges of relocating including helping to find a home, a job for their partner, childcare and educational options for their children, plus social networking opportunities.
Since its inception in 2021, the program has relocated more than 500 professionals and their families to the area, from all parts of the globe.
This assistance is critical as research has shown a person will choose to either stay or leave their job/town/area if their and their family’s life aspirations are not being met by the current set of living, schooling and social arrangements.
And by keeping professionals here once they have moved, it goes a long way to improving the economic outcomes for our region.
Our connection in the community allows us to form great partnerships with industry and with local businesses.
Helping people create a rich and happy life here in Greater Shepparton is such a rewarding job.
Add to that, each professional who comes and stays here will strengthen the both the industry they are employed in and the economy in general, well, that is just a bonus.
Currently, the region is experiencing a huge surge in job opportunities and there are many “hard to fill” positions where we need to attract professionals from outside Shepparton.
If your business has not utilised this free service, then please reach out on communityconnect@c4gs.com.au or visit www.greatthings.com.au/community-connector/
By Fiona Blick, Community Connector Program - C4GS